All media lies. I agree with F451 on this one. It is why it is so important to listen to exactly what the person in question said, from their own mouth or get direct words from their own pen in a documented source. I was up front that I couldn't find this about the couch story. But, the Trump campaign had not denied or addressed. As it went on, I couldn't find anything from his book on line. It was blowing up X. As time went on, Yes_Goddess, who is a good friend of mine, called me and told me that he had managed to finally find out that it was, so far, unfounded. I was happy to hear it but remain concern that if this continues to follow Vance around, some type of shaming statement should be made to expose it as fabrication. It is what makes wonder...not claim...but wonder if there was some type of comment made that was wildly embellished. MSM did not suggest this. It is my own thought. The Trump is a racist lie that way too many believe, came from an incident many decades ago that was more about Trump's father than it was him, look how that blew up and spread. It seems they find something they can twist and take out of Trump's Charlottesville speech. I've done nothing but discuss my thoughts on this here honestly.
As for the speech that Vance gave at a college commencement, I did seek that out. I thought for certain they had taken him out of context. I was disappointed, to hear with my own two ears, that they did not. When his clarification came out a few days later, I listened it, which in my own perception inflamed only more. It set the GOP back even further with female voters, in my own opinion.
As I listen to speeches and interviews, I will save them for you and post them here if the topic comes up. Again, I was wrong to assume that you were tracking down original words from someone's own mouth.
Yes, I did read your article and listened to the video. It was much better than the lame clarification that he gave earlier. But, it doesn't change the words HE chose to use in the commencement speech. He is back peddling now. But, we can't have a conversation about it if you don't watch speeches. It is like analyzing a football game that you didn't see.
What I find horrible is that there are people who do not want the responsibility of having children or can't have them. It doesn't mean they are anti family. It doesn't mean that they are influenced by the feminist Vance rants about it. What he said was horribly insensitive and flat out ignorant. I write this as the mother of six and being very involved in my grandchildren lives, as well as my niece and nephew's. I can't imagine my life without them. But, 1. I was lucky enough to have children with no problem. I also was more family driven than career driven. I enjoyed my careers, which took me down 3 entirely different paths in life. But, family was my priority. Not everyone is like that. They shouldn't be shamed. But, was is most horrible about his OWN words at the speech, was that at a time when Trump is struggling for the female vote, that made the fight A LOT harder.
With his retractions, although the one in this article is better than the first, it still digs him deeper in the whole of alienating both young and female voters. That is my opinion. You don't have to agree with it. It is my own perception from all of what I've read and heard, which I've done my due diligence.
Again, the media mob are liars. I do NOT blindly believe anything they say, none of them, including Fox. Podcasts I'm finding to be better, especially Rogan's with live fact checks...but even then they have to be double checked and, depending on the subject triple checked. Even then, more information many not come out until later.
I didn't fail to support my opinion. You are nit picking everything I say. But, now that I know you aren't watching or reading original sources, I will start saving the links for you. But, not agreeing with someone doesn't mean they somehow failed to support their opinion. It means you didn't agree with them.