I don't mean to interject. But, let me put this in my perspective. I grew in a Democrat voting household and going to Catholic Schools. I was being hammered by religion telling me, from a very young age, that something was wrong with gay people. I remember, at the tender age, of 10 making a decision to bury it deep and know that God didn't want me to suffer. By all appearances, I'm the most easy going person you'd ever meet. Deep in, that stuff is buried. The Republicans harped on the evils of gay marriage when I was a teenager coming to terms with a lot and coming out to my parents. Mike Pence had a history of being against gay rights. Now they give us Vance? I may never have children. I am not anti family. Is it so awful that my girlfriend and I have two cats? Vance is out of line in saying these things. Democrats are not anti family. My family is all about our children and each other. I was leaning toward voting for Trump, which I never thought I'd do. Now, my girlfriend would smother me in my sleep if I did.