However it is handled, it should be mandated by the federal government. Any civilized society should help people who need a hand. I'm not talking about welfare as a career path for people who are capable of working. No child should be hungry in this country.
The problem with the abortion laws is that some states make no exceptions. I support first trimester and second only if there are rare, documented and clearly exceptional conditions, such as serious birth defects or life of the mother in jeopardy. I say this as someone who wants children and may not be able to have them. I'm pro family. I'm also pro common sense. Making a woman carry a child who is doomed to a low quality of life due to a defect or where the mother's life is threatened by a clear medical condition is inhumane.
Agreed on illegal immigration. It was deliberate under Biden's stint in office. It is part of the reason that I won't be voting for Harris.
Again, gay people should not be punished because of radical members of the government and elected school board members. More parents should stand up and run for school board positions. People should vote out members of the government who are jeopardizing this country's youth by radical way of radical agendas. Gay people, who are not in support of this, should not be punished. I take great exception that anyone would deny a fellow American of the right to marry because of the flaws in our government.
This country has allowed illegal immigration for many years. As you point out, the current administration invited it. It is our duty to return those who illegally cross safely and promptly. As a civilized society, this means emergency medical care, food and shelter, without separating children from their parents. As the saying goes, you made the bed now lie in it. We voted in Biden. Voters tolerated and even benefited from illegal immigration. Now, we've got to deal humanely with the consequences as we stop it.