However the funding is handled, I'd like to see it required for all states to do this. The federal government finds money to send to foreign countries, with no assurance it is even benefiting citizens in need. They can find a way to help the citizens of this country who are in need of a helping hand.

Late term abortion is tragic and should never be an option as along as the baby is alive. The remarking about allowing a baby to die after birth probably got the former Governor of Virginia bounced out of office, which was a good thing. The problem with abortion regulation coming from the state level is that some have gone completely overboard with no thought to exceptions and rational term limits. Moving based on state laws is not an option for everyone, due to employment, family, fiances. Moving out of state and uprooting one's life isn't cheap and it isn't easy.

You are getting fringe gay advocacy groups and people with a political agenda confused with the average gay person. Most of us want the same rights, no more and no less, than anyone else. I couldn't disagree any stronger about gay marriage. The pronouns are a joke. What is happening with youth and the gender game the government is playing is terrible. Gay and alternative lifestyle people are not a monolith. Many of us do not support this. Most of us are not imposing our sexual orientation onto anyone else. I simply find it unacceptable to be treated like a second class citizens. I'm not looking for special treatment. It has not been good for gays to have been thrown into the divisive DEI agenda. It has set back acceptance of allowing us to live normal lives by portraying in the light that you describe.

Yup. I've got to own that I voted for what turned out to be a very poorly functioning administration. It won't be the case this November.