Here we go again.
Stories are made up by leftists and then get repeated.
Frankly, I don't pay much attention to personality politics so I often miss topics like this.
Since my knowledge is mostly from your post and a Breitbart article, please state your source and also indicate if you disagree with any contentions in my link before I spend a bunch of time researching your claim.
GOP strategist and Donald Trump Jr. adviser Arthur Schwartz hit the AP reporter back.

“Instead of calling out Kamala’s campaign for blatantly lying about what JD said, @sppeoples at the @AP is attacking people for defending him against the lie,” he said. “This is why we call you enemy of the people.”

As to the "It is being reported that he described masturbating..." even the left wing Snopes addresses that claim as false:
No, JD Vance Did Not Say He Had Sex with Couch Cushions