A hit piece? I share my views on this forum. If you consider it a hit piece, I don't know what to say about that. I'm not publishing it in the NY Times. It was being widely reported by multiple sources. Someone would have to be living under a rock not to know about it. I would still believe they took something in his book and embellished it or took it out of context. Frankly, I don't want to take the time to read his book. It doesn't matter to me aside from how it affects Trump.
I find it horrible that he made it sound as though women who don't have children will not have a good quality of life. His clarification shortly later that "Democrats are anti family," was not good either. Is the DNC anti family? I'd say some of their policies are, without a doubt. But, to refer to all Democrats as anti family was nearly as alienating as Hillary's "Basket of deplorable," comment. Again, I don't care what the man thinks. I care about Trump winning the election. I believe Trump could have chosen a better VP pick.
He didn't demean woman who have had children. He demeaned women who don't. If I said that the other way around, it was a typo.