Chuck, you are completely misunderstanding where I am coming from. When something is being widely reported and X is on fire with it, there is nothing wrong in relaying this and bringing it up for discussion. I would like to know exactly, if anything, was said about the couch scenario. Do I want this to be true? God, no. Yes, I do believe there must have been something they could have greatly embellished or taken out of context. It is my gut feeling on it. Could I be wrong? Sure. It is totally appropriate for someone to speculate on a topic. I'm SO NOT demanding that or hoping that the left has any credibility on this. I don't want anything that will hurt or distract from Trump's campaign. I'm unclear why you find what I've said on this an arguing point.
The source you posted is a find place to start. Are you truly telling me that you did not listen to and or read Vance's words about childless women for yourself? It is the first thing that I went out to do. His original words and his lame retraction the next day. He's not denying that the said this. In fact, he did an interview to try to "Clarify" his comments. I watched that. He began by saying, "Look, I have nothing against cats," which I thought was a poor way to begin his "Clarification." Did you truly not watch Vance talking on the topic? Chuck, it is really getting insulting that you believe I'm such an idiot I'm going to accept the media mob's description of what someone else said. Look how many times they've taken Trump out of context. All it took was listening to his own words to see what liars the media is. I tracked down Vance's comments on childless women as well. Did you really not listen to commencement speech or watch his "Clarification" that came a few days later?
You are an informed man. I am stunned that you did not watch Vance's "Clarification" and see the words come out of his own mouth. If I need to spoon feed you what I'm assuming you've already seen before you get on fire about a topic, I will. But, please don't waste my time. Did you not see this for yourself already?
The quote I referenced is what you posted. I took your word for it that you pulled it out of the commencement speech and were quoting him. I did watch that part of the speech but I did not memorize it. Do you realize that Vance, himself, is taking ownership of what he said and even went on the air to explain why he said it? I don't mind quoting sources when the situation calls for it but if I have to track down things you've already seen for yourself, it is getting over the top. How can YOU have an opinion on what Vance said if you didn't watch it for yourself?