On most issues, we differ on how a policy should be addressed and administered, not the end result.
You want the federal government responsible for implementing solutions.
However, If a program is flawed, it is next to impossible to change or eliminate it.
I believe local people are best suited to implement policies that cater to the local environment.
Locally, those responsible are not insulated or restricted by layers of bureaucracy inherent in big government.
They are accountable and have more flexibility to adapt.
As to gays being second class citizens, they may be different, but they are not second class.
They have parades and even a "pride" month where they declare they are sexually attracted to same sex.
To me, sexual preferences and actions are private, not something to wave a flag to boast about.
Unless there is a reason for me to know, I don't want to know how one gets their rocks off.
The gay community has political clout and have allowed themselves to be used to implement radical policies.
They have hijacked our language from "gay" to "marriage" and changed the definition of gender.
Who would have guessed that not using the proper pronoun coined by gays would get you into trouble.
They feel free to ridicule and mock religion such as with the Last Supper display at the Olympics.
They enjoy minority status privileges.
To me, second class is a girl denied the chance for an athletic scholarship by a male thinking (or pretending) he is a female.
You and many others in the LGBT+ community may not approve of the direction the gay movement has taken, but you have enabled it.
Moving based on state laws is not an option for everyone, due to employment, family, fiances. Moving out of state and uprooting one's life isn't cheap and it isn't easy.
Agreed. However, it is even harder to move out of country if the federal government passes intolerable laws.