[quote=chuck]Posted by Fahrenheit451:
Other posters who defend Noem and call her "Commendable" must not be dog owners themselves....
If you have a problem with "other posters," you would do better to address them directly rather than just talk about them to others.
You may be a dog owner but have you ever lived on a farm?

Posted by Fahrenheit451:
I find it disgusting that anyone would shoot and kill a dog....
You would rather torture the animal with cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc.?
You would rather take the chance that an uncontrollable (therefore dangerous) animal might escape and harm a child? [/quote]

We don't use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc" for Labradors...As a matter of fact everybody in my neighborhood has at least one dog and I have NEVER seen anyone use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc".....

And if I did I would report them immediately.....

The most any responsible dog owner should do is kennel train for the first couple of months....Since my dogs are labs, they train easily. Same with German Shepherds....

As far as kids go, we have had dogs since she was born....I also believe that 99.9% of all dogs are NOT bad dogs.....Probably no such thing as a bad dog....Only bad dog owners....

This sicko Noem is a BAD dog owner....Same with Biden.....

As far as Trump picking her, he should NOT....But he doesn't listen to my advice anyways. Trump ALWAYS makes the wrong decisions when it comes to picking his personal...The rest of us have to suffer for Trumps cabinet choices....

To Trump "every politician is a good guy/gal"......That's why he is in the position he finds himself in now......

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 04/28/2024 06:53 PM.