Posted by Scooby:
This was not a character attack.
Of course it is. It is not about issues or capability.
Posted by Scooby:
Noem announced the story in her book.
She wrote about how she handled a potentially dangerous situation.
Posted by Scooby:
That handed the liberal media valid material to run with.
The liberal media will take anything they can use to spin a character attack.
All most people judge how appropriate her action was, is based on the MSM selection of out of context statements followed by commentary on how to interpret that selection.
They did the same to Trump by claiming he admitted to being a sexual predator in the "pussy tape."
Posted by Scooby:
Killing a young dog for no good reason...
You consistently ignore her statement: "...dangerous to anyone she came in contact with."
Posted by Scooby:
Noem is damaged goods.
I'm afraid you may be correct in that regard.
The tactic of generating a false flaw and using it to destroy a political figure is effective and we see the country going down hill as a result.