Fahrenheit451 posted:
Nobody "shapes my opinion" including and especially MSM....

The man doth protest too much, methinks.

Fahrenheit451 posted:
I was just stating a fact that her political career is over...

I'm not disputing that.
My point is the MSM tactic of creating a molehill and making a mountain out of it is very effective.
They have killed many political careers with it.

Fahrenheit451 posted:
(a puppy actually)

Again you prove my point. That is exactly the image the MSM wants you to have.
Very effective, wouldn't you say?

Fahrenheit451 posted:
Personally there isn't a single VP contender that I like....

Is there anyone you do like?

Fahrenheit451 posted:
The How to be a Politician 101 rule book says on page 1:

Don't write a book telling the world that you shot your 14 month old puppy.....

She didn't. The MSM redefined the definition of puppy and you bought it.