A hit piece? I'm not a journalist. This is a small discussion forum with posters sharing their views. Our discussions have no impact on anyone we discuss. Chuck, you manage to insult me again saying that I am forming my opinion based on emotion. I've given valid logical reason why I've come to the conclusion that I have. I'm not demanding anyone agree with me or trying to change their mind. I'm expressing my views and explaining while I believe the way on do on the subject.

Chuck, I'm just going to say it. F Off with your msm BS. I took the time to research this myself. You can't accept that. If you don't know, by know, how much I distrust all of the media, then you haven't been paying attention to our numerous discussion over the years.

The breed, itself, is not on the nationwide biting list. It is known to be an incredibly friendly dog who is gentle with children and people in general. Again, I've made points that you demanding I repeat over and over again.

I never said that Noem didn't say the dog wasn't dangerous to people. I said her story doesn't add up and is contradicted by her behavior and even her own account.

I've addressed every one of your challenges with fact, knowledge and life experience. It is you who fails to be objective and come from a place of stubborn emotion.

How do you know, from that video, who that dog belonged and how it came across the little boy? How do you know any background on that dog at all? Do you even have a guess at the breed? What do you know about it? You are comparing that to Noem's situation, which is ludicrous.

So, the dog killed chickens. It doesn't make it a savage. It makes it unfit to be around chickens. From Noem's account, it looks as if the dog went to bite her when she went off in a hostile and abusive manner. That is what it looks like...and it looks like she is a self serving liar. Again, their is no video tape. All anyone has to piece together what information is out there and come to our own conclusion. You don't have to like mine, although it is from a much more educated place on the subject that yours. But, ripping into and continuing to insult me is not cool.

Chuck, I didn't save the links. Do you really want me to track them down again? You are such a self proclaimed expert here, it is surprising that you don't already have this information. I will track it down in the day or two but only if you stop your BS insults. Because, I'm over it. This is not the Chuck I know. Maybe something going with you. But, you are usually a reasonable poster even when we are in complete disagreement.

Again, no one can claim to know 100% what happened. I'm telling you what it looks like. Dogs get rehomed even if they don't get along with other dogs, cats, even children...so to rehome a dog that killed chickens is not a big deal. Have you ever done it? I have.

You find any random article online to fit your point that you feel like. There are dozens to fit dozens of self invented narratives. I'm telling you what is like in real time, over multiple states from first hand experience. You can respect that or not. But, I'm over your insults. I'm beginning to wonder if this is the same Chuck, I've been posting with for years.

What are you trying to win here? No one is asking you to agree with them. I respect that you have a different opinion. I'm not accusing you of pulling it from bias or an ultra conservative media platform. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that it is what you actually believe. Why can't you do the same for other posters?