Labs are great dogs. I lost my 15 year old lab a couple of years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I agree about the chickens. Chickens are cheap and can be replaced. The dog obviously shouldn't remain on a farm where people raise livestock, some depending on it as a food source. But, this isn't this the old days. There are suburbs with no chickens and fenced yards. Knowing what breed this dog was makes it worse.
Beyond that, it was a monumental lack of judgement, for her to announce that she killed a 14 month old puppy. What did she think she'd gain by that? Sympathy? Admiration? Even if this were a vicious dog, boasting about your willingness to shoot it isn't something people talk about to promote themselves. Total stupidity.
Last edited by Cheyenne; 04/28/2024 12:17 PM.