Posted by Cheyenne:
I was going by Noem's own words in happy and playful.
Out of context.
That's as bad as the Gibson ambush I mentioned in my previous post where he quoted Palin's "exact words" leaving a false impression by leaving off "I pray."
Posted by Cheyenne:
A 12 month old dog is still a pup.
It still weighs 60 pounds, has teeth, and is irresponsible.
Being a happy puppy doesn't reduce the danger.
Example (Though undoubtedly loved, this dog was euthanized):
Posted by Cheyenne:
...that dog was a good way from the maturity of an adult.
They had a year to train the dog and couldn't.
Do you believe Nome has not had dogs she loved and trained before?
The experience of having to put down the dog apparently affected her or she wouldn't have mentioned it.
Posted by Cheyenne:
Noem did not indicate the dog was a danger to people.
Please at least address my comments on that assertion before posting a contrary opinion.
Answering questions on the topic will also help keep this discussion from going in circles.
My previous comment on the topic:
As to your "had no history of biting people,"
I didn't see that. Did you make it up?
However, apparently the dog did turn to bite Noem (not clear if dog was successful).
Noem's assessed the dog was "dangerous to anyone she came in contact with."
Who better to access the character of a dog than its owner?
Posted by Cheyenne:
Thank you for pointing out the breed. These dogs are known to be great with people, including children.
So are pit bulls. Dogs of the same breed still have different personalities.
Posted by Cheyenne:
When a dog goes to a shelter, it is accessed carefully and adoptees screened to make the dog is in a suitable situation for the new owners and the dog.
I wonder how close the nearest no-kill shelter was to Noem's farm in South Dakota.
And if there is no suitable situation? Your "solution" is for Noem to pass along her problem.
Posted by Cheyenne:
Jumping out of a truck and killing chickens does not make it a vicious dog that should be killed by it's owner.
The point is, the dog was uncontrollable after a year of attempted training by people who lived around animals.
Posted by Cheyenne:
My nephew and I plan on keeping a close eye and, even going to the extent of a shock collar, before letting her run the land.
Noem tried a shock collar. Obviously with little success.
What are you and your nephew going to do if it doesn't work?
Pass the problem to another entity or person?
Keep the dog chained or caged? Use a muzzle? Increase the voltage on its collar?
Are these torture options better than euthanizing it?
Posted by Cheyenne:
What Noem describes makes this dog seem more of a Marley and Me type dog that was not fit to be a farm dog.
This is coming from my own words, not the distortion of the media.
You base your position on your vision of a totally different dog under different circumstances from a sanitized story presented as entertainment.
Unless you read the original writing, your opinion was formed by the comments and context that the MSM presented.
Your re-writing of the MSM narration doesn't erase the effect of the MSM presentation.
Please heed your own words: "...they need to use common sense and caution."
The major point I'm making is, all this angst over her making a difficult decision is a non-issue that is being used to remove a political threat and has nothing to do with animal cruelty.