Sorry for the late response. I know the topic is stale but personal issues delayed my response.
Scooby posted:
It was poor judgement to fail to train a dog properly and rehome it when things didn't work out.
Whether she was a poor trainer or the dog was untrainable doesn't really matter.
The result is she had an uncontrollable 60 pound dog to contend with.
I believe the dog was rehomed to Noem because of "aggressive behavior."
The article I read didn't indicate how old the dog was when Noem got it.
I guess the smart thing to do would have been to pass the troublesome dog with its problems on to someone else, but to me, that would have been unethical.
Here's a quote from a site that deals with behavioral euthanasia
"As a founder of a rescue & longtime foster, it sounds cliche, but people are looking for a pet; not a project. It's neither fair nor ethical to put dangerous dogs out into the community. Every single time I can remember that we 'took a chance' on an iffy dog, the dog ended up ultimately euthanized anyway, but after causing a lot of physical and/or emotional damage to the family, both human and canine."
Scooby posted:
She didn't expect the dog to be excited after coming back from a pheasant hunt? She claims to have been training the dog to go after fowl. Well, she got it.
Bird hunting dogs are trained to point, flush, and retrieve--not kill.
The dogs are trained not to damage the birds they retrieve.
From what I gather, Noem took the dog to the hunt in the vain hope that it would emulate the other dogs.
Scooby posted:
Everything about this sounds like she was pissed off at a puppy and shot it.
This "puppy" was a sixty pound dog old enough to have puppies herself.
I can only speculate that Noem was not only angry but scared.
Imagine a 60 pound snarling dog turning on you.
You talk about rehoming in a farming community. I suspect every farm has chickens.
When they get a dog, they expect it to protect, not slaughter, the chickens.
It is very difficult to train a dog not to kill more chickens after it has done so.
Who is going to take such a dog?
Scooby posted:
Being stupid enough to write about it in a self promoting book, that is a whole new brand of stupid.
Putting down an animal is an unpleasant task and she had a right to feel it was a commendable action.
The reaction to it indicates both the MSM presentation and the difference in perspective between city folk and farmers.
I will go into this in more detail when I respond to Cheyenne.
Scooby posted:
Why does it matter how old her daughter was? People don't let vicious puppies around their children or take them on pheasant hunts.
My apologies. I was mixing up the past and present. It was stupid of me.
Because of that stupidity, I didn't appropriately respond to your question: "Why would anyone allow a dog who was a danger to people around her children?"
My guess she relied on the fact that that breed is known for being good companions and, though uncontrollable, didn't show violent tenancies until that fateful day.
Scooby posted:
Noem's own words and actions are my source. Media narrative? Gimme a break. That is a cop out for you to say that. I don't give a fuck what the media says. These facts speak for themselves.
As I mentioned in my latest Post to Fahrenheit451, your perception is based on the quotes the MSM provided and their interpretation of those quotes.
They did not include any justifying circumstances.
Scooby posted:
She did what needed to be done? I haven't read this anywhere.
Perhaps if you had more to read than the MSM selected and guided quotes.
She did indicate she felt the dog was dangerous.
Scooby posted:
She tried to make a connection between the killing of animals and serving the country. How stupid.
The difference may well be the difference in culture of the farm community and city folk.
I touch on that subject in my current response to Cheyenne.