He's are not entirely wrong there. Tennessee's non kill shelter's are over flowing. It is sad and shockingly irresponsible behavior from people. I have a 3 year old rescue, great dog, that someone dropped off on the side of a highway when she was about 9 months old. The one laying beside me now, is about 10 months old. BEAUTIFUL dog. Dropped off on the side of a highway. It was a community effort to take care of this dog's needs. Once he was well enough to travel, I put him in my SUV and drove him to my 3 acre property in Florida that is fenced in to get to know him and get him out of the trauma. He turned out to be the most relaxed happy dogs I've had. My fur baby dog...the one who carried me through losing my husband was a malnourished, mostly dead Boston Terrier that was too young to be weaned. 30% chance of survival. She likely came from a puppy mill and was handed to me in a dish towel at a Shoney's parking lot, unable to eat and with Parvo. People in our community come out for dogs. One had his own float in the Christmas parade because dozens of volunteers spent over a month trying to catch him.

All of this to say, it is bad in Tennessee with dogs but it is bad everywhere. Ohio and Florida are not any better. In South Florida, there are high priced dog boutiques that are horribly irresponsible in getting puppies and setting them up in fancy store fronts, before they've even passed the age of risk of Parvo. It is also important, to keep in mind, that when dealing with state stats of any kind, breaking it down by city and county can change the entire landscape. I got into this with Server some time ago when he was attacking Tennessee's crime rate. I pulled more detailed stats and showed him that it was Memphis that was dragging down the entire state's numbers.

I'm not to going read through Chuck's BS and deflection to MSM. But, if he is pulling up stats on Tennessee's unwanted dog problems and believing they are worse than every other state, then he is the buying spin. It is bad every where. It was the same in New England too. And, my new 10 month old pup is 65 pounds and will probably top out around 90. He's all pup. Maybe Chuck didn't grow up with dogs but he grew up in a country that loves them.

Also, I think highly of Chuck, even though we don't agree on all issues.