Cheyenne posted:
Chuck, I read most of your posts.
Maybe it's just me but when I open a new thread, I feel responsible to address every serious response directed to me, not just "most."
I also address every serious non rhetorical question, even if just to say "That/those question(s) don't deserve an answer"
There is nothing more aggravating than trying to clarify a statement or position only to have the question ignored.
I'm still miffed at your post to Fahrenheit451, namely: "I'm not to going read through Chuck's BS..."
I believe you skim my posts and respond sporadically to items presented.
As with the video I linked to: My comments that referred to that video would have little impact since you didn't watch it.
A comment such as: "I don't watch blind videos" would be appreciated if that indeed is your reason.
I supplied a link to it in two separate posts, yet you claim the "back and forth" is the reason you didn't see it.
I take that as an indication that your post to Fahrenheit451 about not reading my "BS" is accurate.
Maybe 3rd time's the charm:
I knows you are busy and are active on many threads.
But my time is limited as well and if my posts are not worth reading, they are not worth my time to post.
Cheyenne posted:
The first thing I do when reading an article is go directly to the source, as I did with this situation.
That's all I'm asking for. What is your source?
I couldn't find one that was not predicated on the quotes selected by the MSM.
Cheyenne posted:
I've been trying to find the exact area to show you that there were suburbs within reach...
I haven't found it either though I haven't searched hard.
I'm just trying to point out that South Dakota is one of the least dense states.
The availability of services may not be available or as convenient.
The difference in cultures between farms and cities is also significant.
I believe that is why her actions were not bizarre to her but horrify city dwellers.
Cheyenne posted:
I was surprised because some of the things I came away with after reading as much objective facts of the matter, so did the msm.
That is why your source of information is important.
If your "objective facts" are solely from out-of-context selections by the MSM, it would not be surprising for your conclusions to match that of the MSM.
In your search for facts, did you find much that would mitigate the narrative that most believe?
If I understand correctly, Noem wrote several pages about the incident.
Doesn't it strike you odd that in all that text, there wouldn't be more quotes that justify her actions?
The only one of note is when Noem said the dog was "dangerous to anyone she came in contact with."
And that is not prominent in most accounts and, when it is mentioned, it is downplayed or presented as a CYA after thought.
There is no mention of the the dog being rehomed to her for aggressive behavior.
I wish I had saved the link as I can't find it now to verify its validity.
Cheyenne posted:
My own dog turn on me and try to bite me? No...but I was never a ranting, angry lunatic, going after it with the intention of dragging it a gravel pit and kill it.
Where did you get the information that Noem was a ranting, angry lunatic?
I would have guessed a scared, angry owner responsible for the dog's actions.
And really, do you really think the dog tried to bite her because it thought it was going to be shot is some gravel pit?
As to the rest of your post, Trump and Biden's actions are not of concern to me in this thread.
My concern is the media tactics in the war against conservatives.
Last edited by chuck; 05/15/2024 07:23 AM.